What is your Motivation in Life?
What would you say if someone asked you ‘what is your motivation in life? Have you ever thought about this? I am sure you might have found yourself speechless answering this question. And then, have … Read more
What would you say if someone asked you ‘what is your motivation in life? Have you ever thought about this? I am sure you might have found yourself speechless answering this question. And then, have … Read more
Art is therapeutic, and if we consider its various forms, each kind serves a unique purpose and benefit. Similarly, drawing can help you perceive and respond to things more engagingly. But I am sure you … Read more
We live in a fast-paced world where everyone is occupied with daily life goals. However, we fail to realize that we also need some self-time. And unfortunately, we are unable to do so. Therefore, we … Read more
Motivational drivers are what trigger the willingness to do something. These triggers are unique for each person and can have a powerful effect in motivating people. The power is with individuals who act in our … Read more
Everyone who has the time to practice meditation and mindfulness can experience the incredible benefits of these techniques. People who meditate are happier, healthier, and more successful than people who don’t meditate. However, mindfulness, like … Read more
Mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) is a type of alcohol and drug addiction treatment that focuses on the time after normal treatment when people are most likely to relapse. The mindfulness-based recovery program (MBRP) applies the … Read more
Are motivation and drive the same things? When people hear the two terms, they frequently mistake them for one another. This would, however, be incorrect. There’s a huge difference between being motivated and being driven … Read more
You get a lot of time where you sometimes fail to understand how to keep yourself busy. When being alone, you should think about how to keep yourself busy and productive. Keeping oneself busy can … Read more
It is important to understand that no one in the world has the motivation all the time in life. Especially if you are the type who wonders how to overcome motivational barriers all the time? … Read more
Tired of being fat but no motivation? Several things can help if you’ve been battling being overweight and aren’t sure how to break the cycle. If you are stuck in a rut, you need the … Read more
Are you feeling low today? Or it’s one of the days when you do not feel like doing anything? Relax! I understand that sometimes even minimal chores feel like a very challenging or backbreaking task. … Read more