Self-motivation can be difficult in a structured environment so in an unstructured environment it’s no wonder so many people struggle. However difficult it may feel to work in an unstructured environment, it isn’t impossible and these issues can be combatted with the right techniques.
What is an unstructured environment?
Fundamentally an unstructured environment is an environment that has no rules or functions to follow. These are usually flexible and is not a traditional workplace with processes.
What can be the problems of an unstructured environment
An unstructured environment can mean many things. It can mean working for a start-up that has no clear structure, working as a freelancer and taking work when and where it comes, and when working from home and dealing with the struggles of distractions in the home.
No Goals.
Unstructured work environments can lack goals. This is especially prevalent in freelance work. A lack of goals can feel like nothing to work for or too therefore motivation reduces.
Too many distractions.
working from home or as a freelancer can mean working in unstructured environments in which pose many distractions. For example, when working from home distractions can come from all all-round, family members, TV, or even the bed. Distractions can make it easy to give up on work and lead to a lack of motivation.
No structure or routines.
Unstructured work environments naturally have no structure. This means there are no set times for work to start and end and no set breaks. Therefore, it can be easy to put off starting or end earlier and take too many breaks. This leads to a lack of motivation as there isn’t anything or anyone pushing for work to be completed.
Therefore, unstructured environments may seem like the worst places to work, however identifying the reasons why can help to combat and lessen the effects. Some people may thrive on a lack of structure, allowing them to do what they want when they want but to others, this may seem impossible.
How to self-motivate in an unstructured environment
It may seem like there are too many issues with unstructured work environments and it is impossible to work in this way. However, this isn’t true and there are things that can be done.
Set goals
Setting goals is a great way to become motivated. These can be daily goals on a to-do list that lead to satisfaction and pride at the end of the day when completed or long-term goals that are worked to over a long time and help focus stay on a specific area of work.
Setting a daily goal of how many tasks to complete or one big task that needs to be completed is also a great way to feel proud at the end of the day.
Reduce distractions
Distractions can be a large hindrance to work. Try working at a desk and if possible, in a private office. Ask family members to not come in between certain hours of the day and add website blockers to the laptop. These techniques can help to remove some distractions from working. However, remember that some distractions are unavoidable so if they do occur don’t get frustrated afterward as this can lead to more time wasted, accept them, and continue with work.
Using a power hour at work can be useful. Set a one- or two-hour time in the day where there are no interruptions, turn off any phones or ways of being communicated, and tell anyone else in the house strictly not to distract. This is a great way to blast through large amounts of work.
It can be the time of the day when most work is created, therefore when finishing it is also a sense of relief that the hardest part of the day is over. Try this in the morning as this time of the day is usually when most people work best.
Set routines
Even if routines aren’t prevalent in work, set some. Set times to start and end work, set break times and lengths, and daily tasks that always need to be completed. These set a sense of achievement and a structure can make work feel more formal and motivate it to be started once the time starts- avoiding procrastination.
Be organized
Being organized can also help with motivation. Having dedicated filing cabinets or folders with work can make work feel more important and serious. Not being organized can lead to losing important documents and having to search for them. This may seem like a daunting task and reduce any motivation to complete said task.
Engage in motivational content
When feeling low on motivation, watching motivational speeches, ted talks, and movies can be a great way to gain a boost in motivation. While this technique won’t create new everlasting motivation it will help with short boosts of motivation when needed. It can also be a great technique to try when struggling to get out of bed in the morning.
Self-motivation is pivotal in life and is especially useful when working in an unstructured work environment. Acknowledge the reasons why an unstructured environment isn’t working and use these techniques to combat them. It may take some trial and error to find what works best but they will work, and motivation will increase.
Take a break
Sometimes motivation decreases due to physical or mental fatigue. While important to stay focused and productive it is also important to take breaks and relax. Taking breaks can help with mental and physical wellness. Being physically and mentally well also helps with self-confidence and will in turn create more motivation.
So how to Self-motivate in an unstructured work environment
Working in an unstructured environment may seem counterintuitive. However, despite issues such as distractions, a lack of goals, and a lack of routine being prevalent there are ways to combat them and gain motivation. Self-motivation is pivotal, reducing distractions, staying organized, setting routines setting goals, and taking breaks are all great ways of gaining more motivation.