Gaining motivation at home can be extremely difficult. Distractions are all around, from the tv to the tempting food in the kitchen and even the bed. There are lots of ways to become distracted and de-motivated.
Many remote workers or people that work from home, they’re the only people there, leading to an isolated work environment. A lack of people to talk to can also
Why is it hard to gain motivation at home?
It can be hard to gain motivation at home and sometimes it’s also hard to know why however there can be some simple factors that have led to this.
Working from home can be lonely, especially for those living alone. This loneliness can lead to a lack of direction, and motivation and can increase the risk of depression.
Working from home comes with distractions, family members, the tv, food in the kitchen, or even social media sites on the computer. Distractions are easy to come by in the home and can lead to a lack of motivation as it is easier to fall into these distractions than to complete work.
Lack of goals
Having no goals and working on random tasks throughout the day can lead to a lack of motivation and a lessened sense of achievement.
Lack of self-care
While working from home can mean working in pajamas and to many is an exciting prospect, doing this could be what is draining motivation. Getting dressed is a great way to gain motivation as it feels like actually going to work or leaving the house to complete a task. It’s also a great routine to try and implement as routines can bring forth a great sense of motivation.
Therefore, there is a multitude of reasons why motivation may be hard to come by at home. Finding out the reason why motivation is lacking is the first step to bringing it back.
How to gain motivation at home?
Gaining motivation at home can be difficult however knowing what to try is pivotal in implementing techniques for gaining motivation.
Create a schedule
Creating a schedule is a great way to get motivation at home, working from home can feel like not really working, however setting a schedule of when to wake up, when to start work and when to take breaks can create a better routine and can feel closer to the environment of working in an office.
Establish a dedicated workspace
However comfy it is to work from bed, it isn’t good for motivation, not only can it encourage thoughts of going back to sleep or relaxing it can also decrease sleep quality when it is time to go to bed. Working from bed overtime can train the body to see the bed as a place to work not to sleep and therefore making sleep more difficult as the brain is trained to be alert and ready to complete tasks.
Limit distractions
One of the biggest difficulties working from home can be the distractions the home poses. If possible, set a room to just be an office, removing anything that can distract, for example, a tv, games consoles, or books. In addition to this working from home usually means using a laptop or desktop computer. This can easily be a source of distraction; however, programs can be added to computers in order to limit which websites are accessible, try these if distraction strikes while working on a computer.
Use incentives
Incentives are a great way to create motivation when working from home. Incentives give a bigger purpose to completing work. For example, small incentives such as setting a goal to finish work within the next 10 minutes in order to take a tea break, or larger incentives such as, if this week’s work is completed by Thursday, Friday can be taken off to take a long weekend and in turn a short break away. Using a mixture of small and large incentives at work is a great way to stay motivated.
Set goals
Goals are important to motivation. Setting goals can not only help to get tasks completed quicker but can also lead to a sense of achievement when they’re complete. Try writing a to-do list at the start of the day, ticking tasks off as they are completed. Looking at a completed to-do list at the end of the day is also a great way to create motivation and it breads pride and confidence and raises the question of what can be completed the next day.
Practice good self-care
Even when not leaving the house, self-care is important and can raise motivation. Something as simple as brushing teeth and taking a shower in the morning can provide the boost of energy needed to get through the day. Remember to take breaks to eat, wash and sleep in order to keep mental and physical wellness.
Talk to people
Working from home can become an isolated life, especially when living alone, this can lead to loneliness and depression which significantly affect motivation. Take breaks and give someone a call or meet for a coffee. These small meetings can really help with motivation as seeing a familiar face is great for mental health.
Get out of the house
Working from home can be a great option however it is good to leave the house regularly. Staying inside too much can lead to a decrease in vitamin D and increase the risk of depression. Something as simple as a walk down the street to a local coffee shop or popping to the supermarket can help in the long run. Couple leaving the house with meeting friends and family.
Therefore, there are a lot of options for gaining motivation when working at home, taking time to try these techniques, and being persistent and patient when doing so.
Key Takeaway
There are many ways to get motivated when working from home. Remember to keep on top of self-care, set goals, take regular breaks and stay social.
Working from home doesn’t have to be lonely and can open lots of opportunities in life.