Guided vs unguided meditation? Which one’s better?
Guided meditation and unguided meditation are the two main styles of meditation. Both offer many benefits as well as drawbacks. We will examine both the advantages and disadvantages of guided and unguided meditation in this article so that you may determine which works best for you.
Difference Between Guided And Unguided Meditation
Both guided and unguided meditation can have a variety of positive effects on one’s health, including a reduction in stress, an increase in gray matter in the brain, improved focus, and better sleep. In contrast to unguided meditation, which is exclusively controlled by the meditator, guided meditation is a mental practice that is molded by the voice of another person towards a state of enhanced awareness.
How To Do Unguided Meditation
Unguided meditation, also known as silent meditation, is when you practice meditation on your own without a guide. Unguided meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing on the body and thoughts for a predetermined amount of time.
How To Awaken Your Inner Teacher With Unguided Meditation

The Spiritual Gym
Unguided meditations initially require more discipline, particularly when it comes to focusing your attention and remaining in the present moment. Like anything else, it simply takes practice. It is often compared to paying attention by going to the spiritual gym to the growing strength and becoming more present. After some practice, you can sit in meditation without the aid of guided meditation since you are familiar with the methods that help you enter a state of meditation.
Deeper States Of Peace And Solitude
By staying in the moment with yourself, you can tune into that divine energy, develop a greater sensitivity to your inner space, enter a deep state of surrender and silence, and let the energy of meditation lead you. Anything outside of you is either a distraction or you are so deeply in meditation that you are not aware of anything when you are in the deepest states of meditation, which are frequently referred to as “subjective awareness.”
Practice Unguided Meditation in 7 Steps
- Choose an item, a mantra, or your breath to focus on while letting your thoughts wander.
- Set a five-minute timer.
- Close your eyes slowly or maintain a delicate glance while keeping them open.
- Bring your attention object gently to mind.
- Bring your attention back to the focal point as soon as your mind begins to stray.
- When your thoughts stray, be fair to yourself (your mind wandering is normal).
- Allow yourself to gently exit the meditation as the timer goes off.
What Is Guided Visualization Meditation
Using guided visualization can help you reduce your stress. It’s a method of relaxation when you picture pleasant places like a lovely beach or a tranquil meadow. This method is sometimes referred to as guided meditation or visualization.
Advantages Of Guided Meditation -How Does Guided Meditation Effective

Here are some amazing pros of guided meditation you must know:
Suitable For Newbies
For beginners, guided meditation is usually the best option. First-time meditators frequently want to be sure they’re performing it correctly. Guided meditations emphasize the importance of knowing when to scratch an itch and when to just notice it, how to deal with thoughts, and where to direct your mind. Most people who want to try meditation for the first time are in a difficult position. Due to a trying circumstance you’ve gone through, a friend or therapist may have advised you to try meditation.
Capable Of Providing Reflection
When comparing guided meditation to unguided meditation, the former can lead you through reflective states. You’ll discover that there are more cues to lead your thoughts and heart in a certain way during loving-kindness meditation. You’ll be able to consider circumstances that might be challenging for you. However, having a guide will provide you with some emotional support as you think things out. You won’t be left alone with your thoughts and let them wander off course.
Easier To Follow
Because they are brief, simple to follow, and approachable for beginners, guided meditations are simpler to maintain. It can be difficult for some people to sit by themselves and let their minds wander. Because their minds tend to wander too much during unguided meditations, some people may develop an aversion to them. However, you may quiet the mind using a guide to help you control ruminating thoughts.
Better In Challenging Situations
Guided meditations are more effective for trying circumstances as compared to unguided meditations. For instance, a person suffering from PTSD is unlikely to appreciate spending time by themselves. After a traumatic experience, our brain frequently replays memories, thoughts, and actions again in an effort to spot any new patterns that might point to an escape. After that, you’ll receive prompts from a guide to help you work through those difficult thoughts so you don’t feel trapped in your head. Guided meditation can help people who are nervous feel calmer and release physical tension. To help them release their body’s tension, they can practice body scan meditations.
Simple To Follow The Process
The process A guide can show you the road when you’re just getting started and need advice on figuring out where to direct your thoughts. A guide will offer questions that will assist your thoughts to flow in a healthy direction.
Disadvantages Of Guided Meditation
Finding The Appropriate Voice May Take Some Time.
It can be difficult to find a voice that is calming and peaceful. Many times, there are too many voices in meditation apps, making it more difficult to select the one that will most benefit you. Some guides make an effort to sound meditative, but it becomes distracting. Others speak with an accent that causes you to lose concentration. At times, people speak abruptly and excessively loudly, which can startle you in the middle of an exercise. It’s difficult to find the appropriate individual to help you focus, reduce your worry, and foster greater compassion. As a result, you should probably test several manuals before settling on one.
It Becomes Monotonous To Only Hear One
One drawback of guided meditation is that you can ultimately grow tired of it if you listen to the same one every day. You can keep your meditation routine fresh by switching up your guided meditations. On the Declutter The Mind app, you may find a brand-new meditation each day to help you approach meditation in a fresh way.
Advantages Of Unguided Meditation
Unguided meditation is an experience that is exclusively guided by the person doing the meditation. The person meditating chooses what to concentrate on and what to imagine during an unguided meditation. Unguided meditation can be practiced at any time for any reason because it is led by the individual. In order to calm our brains before beginning the day, we could incorporate unguided meditation into our morning practice.
We could also utilize unguided meditations to help us in thinking about or visualizing a goal we want to accomplish. Unguided meditation allows us the opportunity to enjoy the advantages of meditation whenever and wherever we wish without needing to rely on someone else’s instructions.
Here are some pros of unguided meditation:
Take As Much Time As Possible
Unguided meditations do not have time restrictions, in contrast to guided meditations. If you find yourself drifting off focus, a timer might assist remind you to stay focused. Alternately, you can meditate for whenever long you feel like it. It’s possible that you’ll instinctively know when to stop meditating and will act accordingly. It may not be best for you to follow someone else’s timetable at this time, in which case an unguided meditation would be appropriate for you.
Enables You To Intensify Your Practice
Unguided meditation is the most profound type of meditation you can do. People frequently spend a weekend or sometimes an entire week at meditation retreats. You are left alone and uninstructed throughout this period. One of the most challenging styles of meditation is unguided meditation. It pushes you to develop your practice more. Oftentimes, through this exercise, people have a flash of insight or an epiphany. They are unable to discuss the event or write about it, though. Consequently, it becomes more challenging. However, one advantage of unguided meditation is that you’ll probably love the euphoria of coming to your epiphany.
Disadvantages Of Unguided Meditation
Unstable Feedback Loop
You can get feedback from a guide very quickly. Following a guided meditation can benefit from having access to a meditation teacher after class, asking a question on a meditation video, or using the prompts as a source of feedback.
It’s harder to be told, “Hey, your mind is wandering, come back to the present,” or “If you sense an itch, it’s acceptable to scratch it” when you’re unguided. Receiving criticism, especially when you’re a beginner, can help you get ready to enjoy meditation in the future.
You will take longer to become attentive
It could take you longer to return to the present moment if your thoughts start to drift, which they always do. Unguided meditation can make it simple to lose track of time in your mind. Those who have trouble controlling their thoughts and emotions may have a tougher difficulty with unguided meditations when comparing guided vs. unguided meditation. Unguided meditation is ultimately about developing the self-control to bring your consciousness to the present moment.
How To Transition From Guided To Unguided Meditation
It is recommended for new beginners to transition naturally from guided meditations to unguided meditation.
You may build a strong foundation for your meditation practice by using guided meditation. Your meditation journey can be enhanced and deepened by using unguided meditation.
The Ending Note
You will experience both mental and physical advantages whether you select guided or silent meditation (or a combination of both). You’ll experience improvements in your sleep, blood pressure, focus, and symptoms of anxiety and despair. Because you can focus and listen better, you could find that your relationships and work performance improve.
The key is to practice consistently
The most effective technique for guided vs. unguided meditation will depend on your circumstances. A novice, a client in therapy, or a person with mental health issues may choose guided meditations to prompt them, help in concentration, and reduce anxiety. Unguided meditations, quiet retreats, and other challenges may be preferred by a seasoned, long-time meditater in order to advance their practice.
Is silent meditation better than guided meditation?
If your goal is simply to relax and calm your mind and body, guided meditations can be just as effective as silent meditations. However, if you want to progress in your practice and free yourself from the root causes of your suffering, you must eventually learn to sit comfortably with yourself in complete silence.
How do you meditate unguided?
Unguided meditation, also known as silent meditation, is done alone, with no one else explaining the process. For some, unguided meditation entails simply sitting in silence and paying attention to one’s body and thoughts for a set amount of time.
Does meditation need to be guided?
You reach a point in your meditation practice where guided meditation is no longer beneficial or necessary. However, until you get to that point, having someone give you instructions while you meditate can be highly beneficial.