Fallacies In Persuasion

A fallacy is a wrongly turned illogical counterpoint. We can say that it is a misconception engrained in an unreasonable approach to any subject. In the fields of philosophy and psychology, there are many different sorts of fallacies that are produced. In this article, the topic of our discussion is fallacies in persuasion. How fallacies take place in persuasion. What are the factors affecting persuasion in communication?

First of all, we need to study what exactly is persuasion and what is the role of persuasion in communication. Well, persuasive reasoning makes an effort to influence the reader to take a specific position or action. By stating facts, providing logical justifications, offering instances, and citing authorities, the argument must always make use of sound reasoning and solid proof.

7 Persuasion Techniques for Changing Anyone’s Mind

7 Persuasion Techniques for Changing Anyone's Mind

You can persuade anyone’s mind by using the following fallacies in persuasion techniques.

Social proof 

One of the most obvious persuasive strategies is social proof. It doesn’t take much to realize that groupthink predominates in the majority of social groups. Even if they all disagree with it, once an idea is mentioned, everyone just goes with it. People often act similarly to what their peers do while making decisions.


Making yourself seem like a source of authority can go a long way because people look up to authorities in all spheres and on all subjects.

For instance, if a startup or smaller business has been featured on a large media website, they typically include an “as seen on” logo on their landing pages. A company is probably a huge deal if it appears on Techcrunch because Techcrunch doesn’t cover just anybody.


According to the “foot in the door” theory, you ought to ask for a modest favor before a larger one. Making a minor request first will get someone “committed” to helping you, and the larger request will technically be a continuation of what was already agreed upon.

Say you were absent from class and needed your classmate’s notes. Then you confess to being a little careless this semester and request the notes for the entire semester. Gaining access to your classmate’s notes without paying for them is more likely if you first ask for a tiny favor. 

Foot in the door

According to the “foot in the door” idea, you should first ask for a modest favor before requesting a larger one. The person will be more “dedicated” to supporting you if you first ask for something modest, and the greater request will technically be a continuation of what was already agreed upon.

For instance, you might have asked your classmate for their notes after missing a lesson. You then acknowledge that you have been a little careless this semester and request the notes for the full semester. You have a better chance of getting the big favor—a free ride on your classmate’s notes—if you first ask for the modest favor.

Door in the face 

The opposite of the persuasion technique discussed above is “door in the face.” You start by asking for something big that they won’t accept, then ask for something that is considerably easier.

A supermarket has a rule that before requesting payment from a consumer, it will solicit donations for a good cause. The number of donations increases enormously if the cashier first requests a $100 donation from the consumer and then offers a $5 donation as an alternative.


People frequently feel compelled to repay favors. Even if they don’t like the gift, people still want to reciprocate by giving something. It will always be beneficial to make someone feel obligated to you because doing so greatly increases your chances of getting what you desire.

Let’s say your goal is to raise money to support orphans in finding a new home. You might organize a little event where the kids build bracelets out of various materials before seeking out potential contributors (in a fun way, not the child-labor kinda way). You may give away the bracelet before requesting a gift in order to make the potential donor feel obligated.


People tend to act consistently with their convictions. You can leverage someone’s initial commitment to persuade them to do more for you if you force them to make a tiny commitment. For instance,  You typically stick with the same brands when shopping. When did you last try a brand-new food or beverage?


We typically choose those who,

  • Most similar to us
  • Please compliment us.
  • Join forces with us to accomplish our shared objectives

Many politicians have preferred this psychological persuasion technique known as “liking.” And it performs wonderfully. 

Consider Princess Diana and her incredible popularity. The British royalty takes pleasure in their manners, which set them apart from “normal citizens”. Lady Diana, however, deviated from these regal customs. Instead, she publicly displayed her sporty side by hugging sick children and shaking hands without gloves. 

Final Thoughts 

These techniques cover the fallacies in persuasion. These are some of the most popular persuasion strategies that are simple for anyone to employ in their practice. These are the sources that are simple for anyone to convince.

Have you ever used any of these persuasive methods? Your feedback in the comments area below would be greatly appreciated!


What are fallacies and bias?

False reasoning is different from false factual reasoning, which is what fallacies are. Biases are enduring psychological inclinations that are common and that can be harmful to objectivity and reason. Knowing about them can help us steer clear of their impact.

What are the 3 Formal fallacies?

The Quaternio terminorum Fallacy, the Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle, and the Fallacy of the three terms are the standard Aristotelian logical fallacies.

How do fallacies occur?

Fallacies can be unintentionally or purposefully manufactured with the intent to mislead others. The majority of the frequently recognized fallacies include arguments, however, others just involve justifications, definitions, or other reasoning-related results.

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